Vol. 2 (2023)

Zinc supplementation during prepartum and its concentration in the colostrum colostrum of Texel sheep.

Published 2023-05-30


  • colostro; zinco; ovelha; mineral.


In order to evaluate the colostrum zinc concentration in sheep after supplementation, 26 Texel breed animals were distributed in two experimental groups: treated group (n=13), supplemented with 100mg/2mL/SC of zinc edetate, and control group (n=13) treated with 2mL/SC of saline. During the postpartum period, a milk sample was collected to determine the colostrum zinc edetate concentration. The treated group showed 29,28 µ/g of zinc concentration, a higher concentration related to the control group (26,87 µ/g). At the end of the experiment, no significant differences were observed between the two groups.


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