Effect of Zinc Glycerinate on energy metabolism and milk quality of dairy cows on transition period.
In order to evaluate the effect of Zinc Glycerinate on energy metabolism of dairy cows during the transition period, eight animals were divided into 2 experimental groups: G1 (n=4), supplemented daily with 1 gram (g) of Zinc Glycerinate mixed with 100g of soybean meal included in the total diet of the animal and G2 (n=4), considered the control group, supplemented with 100g of soybean meal included in the total diet offered. The levels of zinc contents in the diet (silage, concentrate, water) were carried out at the beginning of the experimental period. The present study was divided into 6 experimental steps, being them: sixty days before the expected date of delivery and the start of supplementation (M-60); 40 days prepartum (M-40), 20 days prepartum (M-20), 10 days prepartum (M-10), 20 days postpartum (M+20) and 30 days postpartum (M+30). At these time intervals, parameters related to protein and energy metabolism (albumin, fructosamine, triglycerides, cholesterol and serum ketones) and serum zinc, were evaluated. With the results obtained in this study, we observed that animals supplemented with zinc had higher serum cholesterol than the control group, as well as a decrease in the incidence of postpartum disease. The other parameters did not show significant differences. Based on this, was concluded that Zinc Glycerinate may be an alternative in the transition period of dairy cattle.
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