Main reasons of dairy cattle culling in the São Miguel do Oeste region of Santa Catarina, Brazil
In order to directly assess the main causes of dairy cattle culling at São Miguel do Oeste region, a questionnaire with specific questions during the year of 2015 were posed to the farmers. A total of 51 properties were visited with a total of 195 involuntary culling animals, where the main reasons of culling were: mammary gland-related problems (41.30%), being mastitis the most frequent; reproductive problems (12.70%), as return to estrus as the main complaint; and locomotors system related problems (8%). Cows with old age and drop in milk production still have been cited by the farmers as 38% of multifactorial problems of culling. Culling by metabolic disorders or other illnesses has not been cited. With this work was possible to conclude that the main cause of dairy cattle culling in the São Miguel do Oeste region are caused by mammary gland diseases.
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